Category Archives: 7. My Musings

Creating a Space for Healing

We need to be in a state that is conducive to healing and repair in order to heal and repair and even sleep well. That may seem like a blindingly obvious statement but it’s not one I’d thought about enough until I came across a quote by Psychologist, Dr Alex Howard who said “We need…

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Change Happens. Life Goes On!


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Escape to the Lakes – Switching Off

Wherever you live in the world you cannot have escaped the storm that raged through British politics following the vote to leave the European Union on June 23rd 2016. It caused turmoil and sudden change that dominated our news from morning to night and this uncertainty continues. A few days after THE vote, I was…

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A Turning Point – Refocusing on a wider perspective

It took a funeral and a beautiful walk on bluebell carpeted cliffs to shift me out of a crash. I’m calling it a crash because that’s exactly what it felt like… a sudden plummeting of all my energy and motivation…a state of inertia that had actual physical symptoms. It has been a hugely valuable experience…

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